Sunday, March 10, at 2am, we “spring forward” – our clocks move ahead an hour for Daylight Saving Time. And as a result, we get more sunlight later in the day. Hooray for that!

Here in the Northeast sunrise will move from approximately 6am to 7am and sunset will move from approximately 5:45pm to 6:45pm.

That extra hour of daylight is a bonus if you’re trying to conceive. The sun is our biggest source of Vitamin D, and studies have linked normal Vitamin D levels to better fertility and healthier pregnancies. Vitamin D deficiency, which is super common, has been linked to lower pregnancy rates. So take advantage of that extra hour and get outside.  And if you haven’t had your Vitamin D levels tested lately, ask your doctor to do so.

The flip side of Daylight Saving Time, if you wake up early like I do, is it’s going to be dark when you wake up. And, we’re going to lose an hour of sleep.

Chances are, this is going to throw off your internal clock also known as the circadian rhythm. So consider going to bed a bit earlier than usual Saturday night. Need help falling asleep? Turn off electronics early, write in a journal before bed to release thoughts that may keep you up, or simply list a few things you’re grateful for. All will help you have a better night’s sleep. Plus go easy on alcohol and caffeine (which is just all around good advice anyway).

I’ll have more in the blog next week on sleep, and why it’s important for overall health and your fertility, because March 15 is World Sleep Day!


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