My client, Ashley, had been trying to conceive for 18 months, and in her words, “had a really unhealthy relationship with food.” She said, “I knew I wanted to work with someone to help me get a grip on my nutrition, but in a healthy and sustainable way. The purpose of...
BLOG > Fertility treatments
Well this is Stressful
Your IVF cycle’s been cancelled and there’s a global pandemic. WTF? Like most infertility patients your stress level is sky high. So do your fertility a favor and get your body out of “fight or flight” mode and into “rest and digest” mode. When it comes to stress...
Eating Organic for Your Fertility
Here’s another reason to eat organic if you’re trying to conceive. There’s solid evidence that eating fruits and vegetables with high pesticide levels is associated with a reduced chance of having a baby with fertility treatment. Women with the highest pesticide...
Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment rendered by a qualified medical professional. Discuss with your doctor any symptoms or medical problems that you may be experiencing and always check with your doctor before making any dietary changes or using any over-the-counter products. The content of this website is based on information available at the time.
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