A Reset can be a fantastic tool to fine-tune your eating habits and upgrade your health – including your hormonal health – but only if they’re done the right way and with the right support.

So I’m excited to share that my next 14-day Reset begins June 17, and I hope you’ll join us.

Here’s the scoop:

  • This reset is whole-foods based, meaning you’ll be eating lots of veggies and fruits, whole grains and lean proteins. You won’t feel deprived, I promise.

In fact, one client said: “You know what I love 💕 is how I’m not hungry between meals. The food was delicious and nourishing. Haven’t craved any sweets which I’m also happy about.”

When you sign up, you’ll get:

  • A suggested meal plan and recipes so you’ll know exactly what to eat at every meal.
  • A proven protocol that can help you drop weight, sleep better and get more energy. You’ll most likely start seeing results within the first 5 days.
  • Guidance on exercise and movement, from a fitness pro to support your health and wellness goals.
  • A pre-reset training call where we’ll walk you through what we’ll do and what to expect, plus you’ll be able to ask any questions you have.
  • Tons of support from me and the reset community via our members-only app.

Sign up here.

I know that changing the way you eat might feel hard or even scary. That’s why I created my 14-day Reset system – because I want you to be part of a program that feels doable and potentially even fun.

If you’re a solid YES, you can sign up right now. The cost is only $111.

Find out more about the 14-Day Reset here: jennredmond.com/reset

I hope you can join us – it’s going to be great!

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