I don’t know about you, but this morning I was feeling all the feelings. There’s a lot of that going around.
At 5am, when I usually get up, it was 14℉, but the real feel was 1🥶, it was pitch black out and snowing. I didn’t want to drive to my workout—it stresses me out in those conditions.
My heart was and still is heavy. I feel so much sadness about the loss and destruction in LA. If you or your loved ones are affected, please know that I’m sending you love and prayers.
I just wanted to lay in bed, read the news, and scroll Instagram. Even though I knew it would make me feel worse, it was tempting. As I started down that rabbit hole, I thought about the conversations I have with clients every day about regulating your nervous system and starting the day by filling your cup. I knew that today of all days, I had to practice what I preach.
I put on my favorite oversized Kale sweatshirt and leggings (so I’d be inclined to work out later), made a mason jar of lemon water, and headed down to the comfy chair in my office. That’s where I do my morning practice, loosely based on the Miracle Morning method: silence, affirmations, visualization, reading and journaling.
I felt resistance at first. Ok, I’ll admit it—I did Wordle before I got started. But then I began with silence (a prayer) and proceeded with the rest. The great thing about this practice is that I use the framework to fit what works for me each day. Some days it might be 1-2 minutes of each activity, and other days it’s 5-10 minutes. It all depends on the day.
This practice is another form of nutrition for whole-body health and wellness, and it’s a muscle I help my clients develop.
If you’re ready to nourish yourself in all aspects and explore how holistic nutrition can support your hormone health, including your fertility or perimenopause, I’d love to connect. Click here to schedule a free support session, or simply reply to this email.
P.S. If you’re able to and want to support wildfire relief efforts, here are some organizations making a difference.