My client, R, had an “aha” moment. She said, “I now realize that although carb-y foods sound comforting, when I eat things like mashed potatoes or fried foods, I just feel like crap later. I actually feel so proud when I take a minute to figure out what I really want. And honestly, it isn’t usually the food.”

Maybe you have a couple of scoops of ice cream when you’re stressed. Or your favorite comfort food when you’re having a bad moment or a bad day. Using food to soothe yourself is pretty common.  No judgement if you do.

Here’s the thing, emotional eating isn’t the root problem – it’s a symptom of another problem. It’s often the result of a struggle with processing your emotions or reacting to things going on in your external world.

And because the root problem isn’t actually that you’re hungry, the food doesn’t solve the problem – it just temporarily makes you feel better. And then? It often leads to shame and guilt.

The process of healing cravings is slow and gradual. But totally do-able.

You need new strategies to help what your body is communicating to you.

When you feel a craving coming on:

  • Have a glass of water
  • Ask yourself if you’re feeling hungry.
  • Ask yourself what you’re really feeling.
  • Identify where in your body you are feeling discomfort, hurt, anger, or another emotion. Try and name what and where the feeling is and what’s coming up for you.
  • Journal your thoughts and feelings when a craving strikes.

Over time you will notice patterns and figure out the best way for you to handle cravings or emotional eating.

My clients choose to work with me to support them while they’re trying to conceive. It’s not uncomming for us to address cravings and emotional eating when we’re working on nutrition.

If you’d like to explore this, let’s schedule a call.


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